Thursday, May 19, 2011

8:30pm Update

Today Shelly is experiencing additional swelling and bad headaches.  The neurologist will be coming back in tonight to discuss the results of her CTA scan that was done today.  It is becoming difficult for her to swallow and speak.  They are working on getting her stable before they can discuss with everyone the plans for her rehab.  James, Jamie, Josh, nephew Matt, and sisters Kim and Stacey continue to stay by her side.  Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.  We are reading to her everyones comments on here as well as facebook so she is aware of what everyone is saying.  Today we painted her toe nails bright pink and orange.  We also put her hair in a pigtail pom-pom. We have posted a picture of her toes, her with her pigtail, and picture of the bell tower at the hospital.  We showed Shelly and got permission to post all the pictures.


  1. i love your toenails Shelly!!! you know orange is my favorite color so thats a no brainer. i just want u to know that you have been on my mind every minute of the day since i heard about your stroke. im not too worried though cos i know what a kick-ass, crazy, stubborn woman you are and i know you are not gonna let this get you down and you will overcome this just like everything else in your life that you have had to overcome. stay strong and know that we all love and miss you!!!!!{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

  2. Love your toenails! Can't wait for you to get better so we can start hiking, biking, & swimming with our painted toenails!!! Me w/purple or maroon & orange or some of both. :)

  3. I donot know Shelly but was stationed with Sgt. James "Bam Bam" Crowder while serving with the 277th Military Police Company, Mannheim Germany .... wishing you a speedy recovery and a blessed day .... I will add you to my daily prayers with our Heavenly Father .... Blessings, Billy D. Kirby
